

The origin of the first town of Recanati not have definite information. Surely the surrounding territories were inhabited in prehistoric times by the people of Piceni, widespread in the region. In Roman times, the valley of the river Potenza, then navigable, rose two important cities: Potentia, at the mouth and Helvia Recina, also known as Ricin, inward. Because of the invasion of the Goths led by Radagaisus around 406 AD, they put to the sword the area, the population sought refuge in the hills. It is believed that as much as Recanati Macerata owe their origin in that ancient city. The name Recanati, in Latin "Recinetum" and "Ricinetum" indicates also the derivation of the city by Ricin. Recanati then went gradually forming with the meeting of a few small places situated on the same hill: the castle of Monte Morello, the castle of St. Vitus, alias Borgo di Muzio, the castle of Monte Volpino and the village of Castelnuovo, village which originally seems to be called Castle of Ricinati.

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